Implementing Behaviour Support Plans

Positive Behaviour Support Explanation

Positive Behaviour Support, or PBS, is an approach that uses person-centred strategies for managing and providing support for behaviours of concern. This evidence-based framework supports individuals with complex behaviours and their families, aiming to minimise the dependence on restrictive measures. As a science-based method, PBS strives to enhance the lives of people with disabilities by upholding their personal rights and encouraging positive engagement and learning opportunities.

Personalized PBS Approach

Our PBS process focuses on understanding the unique needs of each individual and empower them to engage in positive behaviours. We ensure that individuals receive the appropriate support.

What is Challenging Behaviour?

Challenging behaviour is behaviour that impacts a person’s quality of life and causes distress to the person or others around them. This can involve actions that pose a risk to the physical well-being of the person or others, as well as situations that create difficulties in social interactions, limiting the individual’s capacity to be involved in the community.

NDIS Funding for Behaviour Support

NDIS funding for Positive Behaviour Support is generally included in Capacity Building Supports under the Improved Relationships or Improved Daily Living sections. This funding usually relates to goals around improving emotional regulation, communication abilities, behaviours, and relationships. If your plan does not include funding for PBS, you might have the option to request a review of your plan. Usually, the NDIS requires evidence as to why Behaviour Support is needed. For example, restrictive practices may be in place or challenging behaviour is affecting the safety of the individual or others around them.

What is a Positive Behaviour Support Plan?

A Behaviour Support Plan is a written document that offers guidance for the management of complex behaviours. It is developed by consulting the person with a disability and their families and carers and depends on the complexity of needs of each individual. This plan will summarise the supports the person needs and offers instructions for prevention, management and response for difficult behaviours.

Our Practitioners

At Allity Care, our registered Behaviour Support Practitioners collaborate closely with the individuals we assist and their families to create solutions that enhance their well-being. If you or someone you know requires help in Behaviour Support, feel free to reach out to us for inquiries.

Allity Care